About Quakers

The Religious Society of Friends, also known as Quakers, began in the mid-1600s amid the tumultuous years of England’s Civil War. The first Friends were drawn to George Fox, a seeker who believed that God dwells in each of us, rather than in holy books or buildings.

Early Friends faced persecution until they came to the haven offered by an influential convert, William Penn. Pennsylvania’s first proprietor passionately believed in religious tolerance, constitutional government, trial by jury, and fair and friendly relations with Native Americans.

Quaker immigrants settling in “Penn’s Woods” built houses of worship called meeting houses and simple stone farmhouses that remain the hallmark of rural Pennsylvania. Friends established schools and libraries, creating the legacy of Quaker education that continues to thrive.

Because Quakers believe religious faith should lead to action in the world, we have always been involved in a variety of good works. The keystone of Penn’s Holy Experiment was the importance Quakers place on individual rights, which springs from our belief that there is that of God in each person. Among the Quaker values contributed to our nation were freedom of speech, freedom of religion, equality of women, and education for all. While William Penn (like George Washington) was a slaveholder, Quakers were among the earliest to formally protest slavery (in 1688) and work to end it.

Most of today’s Upper Susquehanna Quarter Friends originally came from other religious backgrounds and have found a new spiritual home in the Society of Friends. Friends believe that all people have the same access to God and that God’s Inner Light shines through each of us. Quaker beliefs took root in Christianity; however, today’s Quakers are united in a close religious community of faith that springs from many different traditions and beliefs. Friends today work with local social issues, while contributing to national and international ecological and relief efforts and to the peaceful resolution of conflict worldwide.

Quaker Meeting for Worship is simple. Friends gather at their meeting houses in silence and await God’s word and guidance. One or more worshippers may break the silence to share an inspired message of hope or joy or thankfulness – or a pressing problem or concern. Friends listen carefully and are mindful and accepting of the messages, being open to the Spirit from which they sprang. There is no appointed clergy; anyone may minister. No offering is taken. The worship service ends as Friends shake hands.

Please join us for worship. All you need is a waiting heart, an hour to sit with a gathered community, and an appreciation of the spirit of God moving in the midst of a faithful people. All are welcome.