This meeting was, since the late 1700s, a “preparative meeting” that was part of Muncy Monthly Meeting, which also encompassed Catawissa, Fishing Creek, and Roaring Creek meetings. In 1988 Pennsdale established itself as an independent monthly meeting. Elklands Meeting is a preparative meeting to Pennsdale Monthly Meeting.
Pennsdale is perhaps more oriented toward the mystical tradition than are some meetings. Unprogrammed silent Quaker Meeting for Worship is held twice a week, on First Day (Sunday) and Fourth Day (Wednesday). Worship is open to all.
There is an old saying that a meeting for worship “should comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.” Believing that “the service begins when the meeting ends,” individual Pennsdale Friends are involved in education, social justice, environmental protection, prison ministry, historical and charitable organizations.
A special Pennsdale Meeting event is the candle-lit Carol Sing held for more than 50 years, originally with Pennsdale village neighbors, now with the entire community. For many this has become a Christmas tradition for generations. It is generally held in the evening the last Sunday before Christmas, unless that coincides with the holiday.